
Matt Taibbi y el “escándalo” Petraeus-Broadwell


En Rolling Stone, Matt Taibbi destaca el siguiente ángulo que no ha sido discutido sobre lo que nos refleja el episodio que es objeto de la más reciente fascinación de la prensa de EEUU con un “escandalo” sexual en Washington:  

“[I]t's impossible to tell the difference between the tone of a reporter who we now know was literally sucking the dick of her subject and the tone of just about any other modern American reporter who is given access to a powerful person for a biography or feature-length profile. ...

These fawning profiles aren't rare, they're the norm. ...

Decades ago, when people like Sy Hersh were the go-to-profilers of influential people, journalists reflexively distrusted power, and any reporter, male or female, who wrote a blowjob profile (that's what we call them) of a politician or tycoon was looked down upon as a hack and a traitor. But these days, you can't tell the difference between your average profile of a Senator or CEO or a four-star general and an ESPN feature about a day in the life of Lebron James. We're supposed to make heroes out of sports stars, but what's everyone else's excuse? At least Broadwell did it for love. Well, maybe it wasn't even that...”

Pueden leer el resto del artículo aquí.

1 comentario:

antigonum cajan dijo...

O sea que la decadencia, immoralidad, avaricia, falta de principios, etica se ha globalizado al igual que esa economia de mano de obra barata que traslada al Asia, dejo a Europa i los EU en la prangana...Excelente, hacia tiempo no leia algo semejante, lo cual me recuerda lo pasado en Inglaterra en algunos medios de papel que interceptaron celulares de medio mundo lo cual incluyo miembros del gobierno para jacer noticias/dinero.